
Research Indicates the Role of an Adjustment on Brain Function 

 October 20, 2020

The benefits of Chiropractic care often go underestimated and occasionally misunderstood. The first adjustment occurred in 1895 and helped restore a man’s hearing. Chiropractors have since helped millions of people overcome sickness and pain without drugs or surgery. Many people consider the major benefits of Chiropractic to involve the relief of neck and back pain. New and continuing research continues to prove the value of Chiropractic on human health, which extends well beyond pain relief.


A study published in a 2016 medical journal proved a major connection between a single adjustment of the spine and improved brain function. A specific area of the brain most affected by the adjustment was the pre-frontal cortex. The pre-frontal cortex plays a significant role in executive functions, focus, control, attention, memory, initiation of activity, and response to stimuli. This area proves critical for kids and adults with attention and focus problems as well as memory and learning issues. Improving the pre-frontal cortex also helps many other symptoms exhibited by children and adults because the brain directs all aspects of health, function, and human performance.

Chiropractic adjustments improve the brain. Chiropractic helps infants, children, and adults reach their full potential by removing interference in the brain and central nervous system. Adjustments do not heal, nor do Chiropractors seek to treat specific symptoms or conditions. Instead, Chiropractors use anatomically specific adjustments to unlock and empower the body to function at full capacity. The freedom to heal and rejuvenate leads the brain to begin renovating the body from the inside out. 

Back problems involve so much more than daily physical pain. Back problems become health problems because of the spine’s influence on the brain and central nervous system. The average children and adults of today live with numerous health symptoms and conditions brought on by daily work and play as well as overuse of technology and hours spent in seated positions. The quality of life and health for all of humanity continues to decline. The condition of a person’s spine and posture relates directly to their current state of health. As the spine and posture deviate further from normal motion and alignment, health deteriorates.

Chiropractic adjustments help restore normal movement and alignment, creating better health and function in the entire body through improved communication in the brain and nervous system. Chiropractic does not focus on the back; Chiropractic boosts the brain! Improved health vitality will soon follow.

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Neural Plasticity March 7th 2016
“Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study
Dina Lelic, Imran Khan Niazi, Kelly Holt, Mads Jochumsen, Kim Dremstrup, Paul Yielder, Bernadette Murphy, Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Heidi Haavik

    • Hi Russ, Thanks for your question. Even though upper cervical care doesn’t diagnose or treat any conditions, we have seen good results in many patients seeing improvement with their tinnitus by addressing their upper cervical subluxation. Let us know if you have any further questions or need any help.

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